Tuesday, September 23, 2014

It's Your Choice

I believe that love is deeper than physical look. It looks into someone's heart. It reaches inside.

But physical appearance is somehow important, moreover on your first meeting with someone you like. Come on, people won't see your heart on their first glance. They won't understand your goodness on the first time they see you. They see what you provide them to see. They see what is in front of them. And undeniably, they judge you, even in the smallest scale of judgment.

When you like someone, you'll hope for the second meeting, the third meeting, and so on. So you have to make a good impression on the first one. Some people will give you a second chance, or maybe when you are lucky, a third chance, but it's not on you, it's on them. What you can do, what is in your control, is make them impressed by you. Having a good talk will do, a good laugh will do. But again, it's not the very first impression. What's the first then? Of course, your appearance.

It's like food plating, you make a good presentation of food so people will eager to taste it. You won't even try a good food when it's not well presented. Food plating is about how you stimulate one's appetite.

The concept is the same. You are the food. You present yourself in a good way so people are attracted to get to know you better, so they are stimulated more to try digging you deeper.

You can't expect people to see you again when you are smelly on the first meeting, or you wear your two-sized-bigger-yesterday-t-shirt or your worn-out shoes. You can't blame them by quoting "don't judge the book by its cover". It's our nature to judge, and it's your choice to determine the way you'll be judged.  


  1. Well, Seeing your post making me think that life is all about marketing, (even finding bf). You have to sell yourself, make yourself so interesting with the packaging (clothes, hairstyle, body, etc) at first. and then see how the inside (personality, IQ, manner, etc) later.

    But in the end, the one that lovely outside and adorable inside would be the chosen one ;)

    1. Yep, more or less. But maybe "selling" doesn't really fit. It's more giving a chance to yourself so ppl will know u better.

      But I am not saying that we should be someone we are not. Look nicer wont kill us, eh?
