Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Plan B

One evening on the last days of December 2014, a friend asked me what I would have on New Year's Eve. I simply told him that I had no plan (though I thought it would be great if I and K could have dinner at Ninety-Nine Pesanggrahan). He said he would like to celebrate New Year's Eve together along with K. I asked him if it was okay if we had it at Ninety-Nine, but he didn't want to, so we planned to have dinner at Sarinah instead.

On December, 31st 2014, I was on leave and stayed home for whole day. Too bad for K, his office spared him no holiday. Lol. I talked to K on Whatsapp, asking him whether I should contact our friend to ensure our appointment. K said that I didn't need to do that. So I just waited at my home, I didn't have anything to do after all.

K was back around 6 p.m then we decided to watch TV. It was just relaxing laying on our bed and we didn't realize we spent almost 5 hours watching TV. The thing was our friend didn't show up, let alone let us know his whereabouts.

I took my phone, and browsed Path. And I found our friend posted a picture of him with his friends celebrating New Year's Eve. I was like "Oh Okay".


Couple days after New Year, another friend asked us if we had time to have dinner. Since we have K's mom cook for us for dinner, we told her that it would be great if we had dinner at our apartment. She said okay.

And you can guess, it was no-show and no-news. We got another stood-up.

Again I took my phone, and browsed Path. And I found our friend posted a status of her with her friends having dinner at someplace that I couldn't remember. It was another "oh okay" for me.


I wasn't mad, I was just disappointed on how they treated us. They weren't our first but believe me, it didn't get any easier to be stood-up. Maybe I was wrong that I didn't talk to him/her to ensure our appointment. But I thought would it kill him/her to at least let us know if he/she had another plan?

It came to our consideration, had we done the same thing to other people?
We make plan with anyone, but when we get a better plan (or at least it sounds better), we take it. We make them a back-up plan, they get stood-up, they are our Plan B.

It's human I think, to go for a better option in every aspect of life. But still, we owe someone, the one we make plan with, to at least let him/her know if we cancel our plan. We owe them that much.

In my friend's word : plan or appointment creates expectation, and in the process we sacrifice something, such as time. I second that, when we let people provide their time for us in an appointment, it becomes our courtesy to let them know should we cancel it.  

Let's learn to cherish people, to appreciate their time. Happy New Year!!!

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