Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Born This Way

I always believe that I was born this way. I was born with narrow eyes. I was born Chinese. I was born with straight yet wavy hair. I was born gay.

It is my understanding. Again, it is what I believe. But apparently not for some people, especially on this sexual matter.

"I think it's a choice. Everyone is potentially homosexual. And you have the power to choose. It's fine with me, because every one has his right to choose, like you choose your religion. You were not born Christian, nor Moslem. Your family were Christian, and you grew Christian, but you can always choose to be Moslem or Buddhis or even Atheis."

"It's only a trend. Once you'll realize that you choose the wrong path. And you will be straight again."

If you had the time to read "Why Puberty" that were withdrawn from bookstores, you would see that it was stated that we choose our sexuality. It said that we had to respect each other's choice.

Well, it's contradictory to what I believe. I was sad when I heard those statements. It was like I was not understood. They may not understand that we'd fought ourselves, to be someone else, to be someone we are not. They don't understand the distress of accepting self. But then I realized that it was not the point. Well, I am not saying that educate people that homosexuality is not a choice is not important. It's just maybe it is not the time, yet. It's a step that we should take later on.

Though it is the same, that we were born both gay and white, it's easier to understand that our skin color is not a choice. We have to advise that it is not easy to grasp. Gay movement is stronger nowadays, so people might think that it is today's trend. But at least, they understand our 'choice'.     

Today, we should be thankful that, at the very least, they are willing to accept us, to hug us as human beings, to treat us like they treat others. It's already a progress. 



  1. I agree with your thought.

    Many people simply thing that being gay is a choice.
    Gay is not a choice, like you can't choose your gender (we are born this way)

    The choices are:
    - We accept ourselves as what we are, being good, just the way we are.
    - We accept ourselves, but we live the life as what we want, let the desire control you.
    - We deny ourselves, try to be normal, and live with that mask forever.

    I do believe that every choices comes to a risk. And i believe all gay already know the risk (btw, i type this comment as i am the owner of the blog :P)

    Keep writing, i love your blog ;)


    1. Hi Ndr.

      Thank u for dropping by. And thanks for sharing your thought.

      Keep coming back, wud ya?
