Wednesday, October 15, 2014

It Just Makes Us Human

I wasn't gonna write about this actually. It was embarrassing at some point, but it would be fair if I don't only share you the good things about our relationship, but also the bad ones.


It was a usual Monday. I and K was going to have our dinner when one of our conversation became a fight. It was big one. It was the biggest fight I ever had. I kinda packed my bag, and left home trying to clear my head. And it made K upset for what I did. 


Yesterday, my friend H, asked me how I was doing. He didn't know about the fight. But when I told him, he expected us to be just fine. He said that we were so in love with each other and that we could be role model for many. Though it put grin on my face, I realized that it was a heavy burden. I was hoping that he just exaggerated it, but then he stated that the fact that we lived together was one big plus point. That was why he looked at us as his role models.

Today, my another friend L, he said that he was upset finding out that we had a fight. He said that we were his, again, role models, that we were the living examples for people like us, so it wasn't okay to have a fight.

Well, I am happy that my life story, our love stories inspire people. I am glad that my readers, my friends, want to have a settled-home with their partners, like I do. But, role models? Ah... that's too much.

It is both appreciation and burden, I guess. Fiuh. But guys, know this. Our lives aren't perfect. It's not a heaven-like when you stay together with your partner. It is not a fairy-tales. It is a dream come true for us, but it is not just that. There are tears, smiles, shouts, or even heart-breaks. And yes, sometimes we fight, like that night.


Couple hours later, I headed home. We talked and managed to solve it. We knew how much love we had for each other. And the night ended with us sleeping in each other's arms.


I and K are happily together. We love each other and we have so many plans together. And when we do make mistakes, it just makes us human. Not that I want to hide behind humanity, but to let you know that our relationship is not always about happiness.

In the end, thank you guys for being inspired, thank you for letting you moved by our stories. And thank you for willing to learn from our mistakes. 


  1. yes, there is nothing called perfect relationship. In fact, fight is one of the 'spice' of the relationship, and as it turns out, the result would make both of two people more understand one another. so i think, it is a normal thing to have a fight, as long as you two could resist one another and didn't embarrass for saying sorry ;)

    Even role models, our idol also human, not God, that have each own imperfection, right? hehehe.

    1. Hey. I forgot to thank you for listening to me that time. I do appreciate it. Thank you, lil bro...


  2. Relationship has its ups and downs. I'm pretty much relieved that you and K managed to settle the differences. I know I'm not in the right place to say this, but I think all of us agree that, whenever a fight take place in a relationship, always remember it's the love that made us bound in the first place, and it should stay so :')

    Cheers for you and K, much love.

    1. Yeah, I guess you are right.

      Thank you for visiting, keep coming wud ya? lol.

  3. I believe this will make you stronger than before. Agree with previous comment above, this 'spice' will make 'aglioeolio' tastier and more delicious to be 'served'. Cheers ^^
