Friday, February 21, 2014

First Anniversary

Dear K,

It took some moments for me to write this. I wanted to post a poem, but I realized and it surprised me a bit that somehow I wrote poems only on sad moments. I'd tried hard, but there was no idea. So, I decided not to make one.

It's our first anniversary. Congratulations is in order for us, I guess, LOL.

I remember 15 months ago when I started being close with you. It surely wasn't love at first sight, because I met you before. Both of us had never thought that we would be together. And as you said, we became close because we felt comfort at each other's presence. We felt that we were genuine to each other. And after some conversations, we knew that we shared common dreams. So I think these three, comfort, genuineness and dreams that brought us together.

After spending some weekends (and couple of weekdays) together, we knew that we wanted to reach our dreams together, to build a real relationship. We didn't want to rush this, each of us wanted to be sure that we were meant to be, that we were fit together. It wasn't smooth, the road that we took. It was 3-months of laughter, joy, tears, dreams, shouts, cuddles, offensive-defensive, hopes and love-growth.  

A year ago, February 21st, I knew our time had come. An awkward proposal made us together, put grins on our faces (well, at least on mine) for a whole day. It was easy-uneasy relationship since. The fights became more intense, especially when it came to our preparation to live in one place. Amazingly we survived that because it wasn't only arguments and differences that came to our relationship but this relationship also brought understanding and stronger bond that united us. I believed that commitment that we planted in our hearts worked in every step of our ways.

Four months later I woke up to you every morning (except for those times you were abroad, works matter). Days of laughter, days of tears, days of fights and make-ups filled our home, our home sweet home. We learned how to work this relationship. We learned each other's habit. We shared chores.

Until this day, we still have our differences, we still have arguments here and there, but I do believe that we have a healthy relationship, a strong one that I hope will last forever. We support, we hold and we are there for each other. For one reason and one reason only, we are committed to each other. And by this commitment, our love grows each and every second of our lives. It grows every single pull of our breath.

Our bond and our story ain't a prince-prince fairytale. It wasn't a lullaby your mom sang you every night. But it is a happy one.   

I don't fancy nor glamourize this anniversary, I'd rather use this moment to be thankful for the journey we have been traversing together. I can't ever thank God enough for every thing that happen to me, to us. And I may never thank you enough for every happiness that you bring in my life. You were, you are and you will be always the love of my life.

Happy Anniversary, Love. I wish us more happiness and dreams for both of us.

I am proud to call you my better-half and I am proud you are my better half.

With love that never goes out,


  1. Reading this post really made me happy. I believe that even gay deserve to get their own happiness

    Well, i hope when the owner of this blog read this comment, you and your bf's love are still have the same love as the first time you guys decided to be together. (well, you post it on Feb and i gave comment on Sept :P) Furthermore, will be last forever :)

    Ps: Please make us, your reader, envy every time you post anything related to your love story


    1. Glad to know that u r happy. I always believe that everyone deserves happiness. It's only matter of time.

      Thank you for those wishes.

      I hope I can inspire people, but envy will just do, I guess. Lol.
