Friday, February 14, 2014

Will You Be My Valentine?

--- In the ------------------------ dark of ---
--- night, when ---------------- I could not feel ---
--- nor walk, nor even ------- see. You came to ---
--- me, gave me a gently hug. Lifted and warmed me ---
--- up then guided me to the light. I was so fragile that ---
--- you carried me carefully, you showed me your love ---
--- in your every single step. Your charm, your sincere, ---
--- your understanding had driven my heart to you. ---
--- Then, when the morning came I could see your ---
--- face. Look into your eyes. And I found love ---
--- that I had searched for years. Now, in ---
--- this beautiful day I wonder, ---
--- once again, ‘Will you be ---
--- my Valentine’ ---
--- for now and ---
--- 4ever ---
--- ? ---

Written by Me, February 2004

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