Friday, August 8, 2014


I'm not astrological fan. But I do enjoy them. Today I searched on Google about our compatibility. I am a Piscean Pig while K is Sagittarian Tiger. So here are what I found. 

Sagittarius and Pisces
When Sagittarius and Pisces join together in a love match, a relationship of realized dreams is formed. Sagittarius is more of a thinker and philosophizer, easily drifting around from one pursuit to the next. Pisces is more inward, involved in the shifting of their own mindscape. They are opposites in some respects, and to outsiders may seem an unlikely pair. But as their love for one another grows, they are more likely to be able to satisfy the philosophical cravings of the other and maintain a healthy relationship.

Sagittarius is outgoing and versatile, and in a relationship with Pisces often comes to the defense of their gentler partner. Pisces, in turn, gives Sagittarius subtle understanding and a place to escape from their tireless endeavors. Pisces is a Sign that, like Water, adapts easily to its surroundings; Pisces tends to focus much energy on understanding and sympathizing with their partner. They are often more patient with Sagittarius’s aloofness than other Signs. Sagittarius’s active pursuit of knowledge combines with Pisces’s gentle compassion towards others to give both partners a self-awareness that doesn’t pass into egocentricity and isn’t overly accommodating, such as Pisces alone may be.
Sagittarius and Pisces are both ruled by the Planet Jupiter. Pisces is also ruled by Neptune. Jupiter brings exploration and outreach to both Signs. Pisces is concerned with this aspect in an abstract sense; they often find themselves trying to save the world (perhaps in the form of recycling or environmentalism). Sagittarius, on the other hand, prefers to broaden their horizons through academics. Neptune is about big pictures, ideas and illusions; but it’s also involved with disillusion and fantasy. Sagittarius can help Pisces plant its feet on the ground. Jupiter works through Pisces to put a gentler touch on Sagittarius’s occasional hotheaded outbursts. 

Sagittarius is a Fire Sign and Pisces is a Water Sign. These two elements can form a great couple if they give in a little, using innate understanding of situations and people to get matters resolved. Pisces can offer Sagittarius direction and help them learn to be gentler, while Sagittarius teaches Pisces to go out and explore the world. This couple will enjoy traveling together. Pisces can be emotionally draining for the Archer at times, too much Water dampening Sagittarius’s fiery spirit. Conversely, too much Fire can boil the Water and leave Pisces steaming. Sagittarius and Pisces must use their perceptive skills to enhance the relationship, always focusing on what the other needs.
Sagittarius and Pisces are both Mutable Signs. Neither partner feels a need to dominate the relationship. They enjoy equality and like to see their ideas come to fruition. Pisces gets great happiness from helping Sagittarius. Sagittarius and Pisces enjoy dreaming up ideas and putting them into action. No one is preoccupied with end results; for this couple, the fun is in the journey! A lack of conflict over roles helps Sagittarius and Pisces work toward the same goals with great success.
What’s the best aspect of the Sagittarius-Pisces relationship? It’s that they can benefit from one another’s wisdom and at the same time get along so well together. Pisces shows Sagittarius how to empathize and care; Sagittarius teaches Pisces how to turn fantasy into reality! The ability of each to provide what the other lacks makes theirs a truly reciprocal relationship.

Tiger and Pig 
The Tiger and the Pig can make a good match, but it will require a bit of extra flexibility on both sides and a lot of mutual trust. The Pig is generally very kind, well-mannered and generous and tends to see only the best in other people; this in itself makes a relationship with this sign easier. The Tiger, too, is generally quite affable and good-spirited; however, there are certain behaviors and situations that can turn both of these signs’ good spirits into bad moods.

For the Tiger, restrictive relationships, possessive lovers and rigid expectations can be just cause to run away. Freedom and autonomy are incredibly important to the Tiger, who will do whatever it takes to ensure it retains that freedom. The Pig values connection, support and a steady home life and will very likely find the Tiger’s lone wolf character to be unsettling at best. If these two signs live together, and especially if their relationship is romantic, they will have to make sure to allow room for their differences — the Pig will have to excuse the Tiger’s roaming and the Tiger will have to offer the Pig as much support and reassurance as possible. A romantic relationship may actually be the most likely sort between these two. The Tiger is magnetically attractive, generally very sexily appealing to any of the signs. The Pig possesses its own sexy mystique and is also very much a sensualist, reveling in the simple but luxurious pleasures of food, lovemaking, even sleeping and bathing. As long as the Tiger doesn’t feel restricted by the Pig’s love of home comforts, the Tiger will be happy to play along — for a while. Inevitably, this sign’s urge to roam, explore and experience will kick in again.

As business partners, these two can create a strong company as long as their goals are aligned. Though a sensualist by nature, the Pig is far from lazy; this is a hard-working sign whose efforts will back up the Tiger’s courageous leadership and innovative ideas.

Well, believe it or not, most of what it says are true. 

* Both are taken from here.

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