Thursday, September 19, 2013

Take the Blame

Last night I slept without any kiss from K. He said something that made me upset, so I slapped his thigh, not intentionally hard, but enough to make him mad at me. We slept in silence, back to back.

It annoyed my sleep so that I dreamt that I had a big fight with him. Waking up, I put aside my ego and hugged him. And as a reply, he hugged me too. It was us letting go things.

This morning, I was doing my routine, reading a devotional magazine called Wasiat. It poked me. 

It was about how Saul irritated with David's presence so that he tried to kill him. It wasn't David's fault. It's Saul's fault. His heart burning was the root of his problem.

It happens to most of us. We blame others for almost evertything that is going wrong in our lives. 

I did too, maybe, last night. I could be more proactive and consider what K said as a joke instead of feeling upset about it. Perhaps, I was the problem itself.

Regardless of who is wrong in this case, I think I owe it to myself to be a better person, to enjoy life more and not to take silly things seriously. And afterall, maybe I am the one who should take the blame. 

I quoted what Wasiat said "If being selfish is still inherent on us, we will hardly see ourselves as the root of our problems".

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